Dana kramer circle headshot

It’s the not the Destination, It’s the journey. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dana Kramer

Office Operations Manager

Originally from the East Coast, Dana woke up on a cold, snowy, winter day in 2014 and asked herself, ‘Why do I live here?’ At that moment she decided she would move to Los Angeles, without a job, only knowing one person and having visited once a few years prior. Her career in healthcare administration had started several years prior working for both UPMC Hamot and the University of Pittsburgh. Upon arriving in Los Angeles she quickly secured a job working at the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Her role developed over her eight years at Cedars, but most recently served as a Program Manager where she oversaw over 21 clinical and research cardiology fellows, 89+ medical student rotators, worked alongside 93+ faculty, organized daily didactics and Grand Rounds and served on the board for Trendsetters, a grassroots networking and personal development organization. However, her most notable accomplishments include receiving over $5.8M in grant funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH), with her first T32 Training Grant application receiving a perfect NIH score of 10. She’s excited to bring her expertise to KFA and thrilled for the next chapter in her career. In her spare time she provides home healthcare, working with the elderly and disabled, something she has done most nights and weekends since she was sixteen.


Masters of Public Administration
Gannon University

Bachelors of Science, Biology
Gannon University


Spa Days. Writing Lists. Fresh Linens. Index Funds. Suntans.


310.399.7975 ext. 287