Erick rodriguez headhot

I thought the designing buildings is our profession, engaging persons of such diverse origins and lifestyles in meaningful endeavors is our privilege and a blessing.
– Robert P. Madison

Erick Rodriguez


The unique intersection of social awareness, design, and innovation at KFA aligns fully with Erick’s aspirations for architecture. He is inspired by the team’s passion to bring quality housing to LA.

Erick brings nine years of experience as a design and community development professional. He previously worked for non-profit affordable housing developers in Cleveland, Ohio. His role focused on making sustainability an essential part of neighborhood planning, community organizing, and development. He has managed projects, from the schematic design phase through construction spanning housing, commercial, and greenspace development.

Erick’s roots are in the San Fernando Valley. He is passionate about leveraging design as a way to inspire youth to make a difference in their community. He has previously facilitated this work in LA and Cleveland through programs like CityArtPlay and Making Our Own Space (


Bachelor of Architecture
Woodbury University


City Biking. Tijuana. Cortadito. Daft Punk. Al Pastor.


310.399.7975 ext. 244