Jeff dewitt circle headshots

Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.
- John Ruskin


Jeff was raised in the topographically diverse, beautiful state of Michigan. He received a BS in Architecture from the University of Michigan in April 2015, and moved to LA shortly thereafter to join the fantastic team at KFA. Jeff has since worked on the MGA Campus, PATH Metro Villas and 1325 N New Hampshire. He brings a thorough approach to his work as well as an occasional bit of office vivacity. Outside of work, he watches a lot of Netflix and peruses Facebook. On rare occasions, he also has been known to go biking, run in the mountains, swim in the ocean, play the piano, sing, act, eat, sleep, visit bars, do trivia, go to the Westin Bonaventure Hotel (his favorite building in LA) and to the movies.


Bachelor of Science, Architecture
University of Michigan


Jurassic Park. Stouffer’s Lasagna. Michigan Lighthouses. Bad Romance. SpaceX Starship.


310.399.7975 ext. 268