Peter Rindelaub Circle Headshot Peter Rindelaub Fun Photo

On such a full sea are we now afloat; And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. -W. Shakespeare


Peter’s passion for adaptive reuse and urban revitalization is rooted in childhood visits to his grandparents in Center City Philadelphia, where he first experienced the energy of a vibrant downtown. Originally from the Midwest, his early work in Minnesota instilled a strong appreciation for design durability and detailing, shaped by the region’s challenging winters. Now based in Los Angeles, Peter focuses on transforming existing buildings and neighborhoods with thoughtful renovations that honor their historical and cultural context. He is committed to maintaining a clear design vision throughout the process, ensuring that each project contributes to the evolving character of its surroundings.


Master of Architecture,
University of Minnesota

Bachelor of Environmental Design,
University of Colorado Boulder


Native Sage. Edward Hopper. Roasted Cauliflower. Neighborhood Cumbia. Cormac McCarthy.


310.399.7975 ext. 337