Tyler headshot

At the intersection of functionality and intentionality is great, and meaningful, design.



Passionate about art, music, furniture, architecture, and all things design, Tyler brings a creative perspective to KFA projects. Born and raised in an artistic environment in Northern California, Tyler’s natural design sense drew him to a career in architecture at the age of 18. After graduation, Tyler began designing fire stations, multi-family residential developments, and other planning projects in San Luis Obispo. He can be found drawing at a drafting table, on stage with a bass guitar, in the seat of a bike, and home at KFA.


Bachelor of Architecture
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo


A Mahogany Gibson Explorer, a Fender P-Bass, and a Roland Juno-6. The Sierra Nevada Forest.
Dawn Sunlight in the Desert. A Black Leather Jacket. Even Blacker Coffee.