Catherine Santa Monica
Santa Monica, CA
- Client : Century West Partners
- Size : 155,450 SF / 192 Units
- This transit oriented development, located within walking distance of the Third Street Promenade and the Expo Line terminus in downtown Santa Monica, is part of the revitalization of Lincoln Blvd. north of the 10 Freeway.
- A 20’ wide sidewalk, flanked by street trees on both sides, welcomes pedestrians along Lincoln Blvd. and a large public plaza extends the open space deep into the project, allowing for visibility to the rear of the site.
- A voluntary easement is provided between the east and west portions of the project, allowing the alleyway Lincoln Court to be continuous between Olympic Blvd. and Colorado; decorative paving, lighting and landscaping enliven this passageway for cars, pedestrians and cyclists.
- Multiple amenity spaces include a tot lot, gym, yoga area, pool, roof deck, internet café, and a media/game room.

Box 'N Burn
- Bright gym offering fitness-focused boxing classes, including no-contact classes for kids.
1654 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
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