829 Broadway
Santa Monica, CA
- Client : WS Communities
- Cost : $35M
- Size : 44,000 SF / 97 Units
- Completion Date : 2012
- 829 Broadway, comprised of 350-550 SF apartments, provides affordable workforce housing in an area of Santa Monica where modestly sized apartments are in high demand. The program includes ground floor retail with a public courtyard, and four floors of housing above. The design features open corners, multiple roof gardens, and articulated massing to lessen the building’s impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
- Retail uses along Broadway are small-scale, intimate, and neighborhood-oriented, including the popular Pono Burger restaurant, housed in a restored WWII-era Quonset hut located at the corner of 9th Street.

Bay Cities Italian Deli and Bakery
Home of the Godmother
1517 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90401
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