Vistas Del Puerto
Long Beach, CA
- Client : Clifford Beers Housing
- Size : 74,089 SF // 47 units
- Completion Date : 2021
- Vistas del Puerto includes 47 affordable apartments for households earning between 30 and 50 percent of the area median income. Half of the homes are reserved for households with chronic health conditions who have experienced homelessness, and half are for large families.
- The project features large community spaces, on-site parking, secured pedestrian entry, management and support services, bike storage, a bike lounge, edible garden planters, a community room complete with a kitchen, heating and air conditioning.
- Apartments reserved for DHS clients are fully furnished.
- The site is close walking distance to a grocery store, pharmacy, schools, public library, and medical clinic. The site is also in close proximity to Mental Health America’s Homeless Healthcare Center. A grand staircase connects one of the project’s two courtyards to the street.
- A key design feature of the project is its stepped massing at the front to fit comfortably into the residential neighborhood, which is steps away from a Metro Blue Line station and Long Beach Transit bus stops.

Elephant Thai Kitchen
Traditional cooking of Thailand & Laos plus sushi & lunch specials, offered in a simple setting.
2087 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90806
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