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AIACC Firm Award Lunch Celebration

To commemorate KFA’s selection as AIACC 2016 Firm of the Year, Paul W. Welch, Jr., Hon. AIA and Shannon Calder from AIACC, along with last year’s recipient, Debra Gerod, FAIA from Gruen Associates, joined us for a celebratory lunch this past April. It was a proud moment for everyone at KFA when Paul handed the official Firm Award to Barbara and Wade.

“Architecture is the most public of the arts, and all advanced civilizations look at architecture as the centers of community. And you [KFA] have been able to make a difference in this [the Los Angeles] community,” Paul remarked.

Through its AIA California Council Awards Program, the award celebrates KFA’s architectural legacy — for portfolio, firm culture, and contribution to society. Bestowing KFA with the Firm Award, Paul noted that the AIACC appreciates the focus the firm takes on social issues and having a core value of helping others, including the less advantaged, by providing them with homes and elevating their quality of life.

For 40 years, KFA has been changing LA’s landscape, providing a work environment that inspires excellence, teaches the value of good design, and exemplifies the work-life balance. “To be in an environment where they trust you to take on leadership roles sets you up for even more challenges and further fulfillment,” says KFA’s Andrea Urmanita. Part of the firm’s legacy is the life-work balance, which greatly contributes to personal wellness and culture building.

“It was particularly meaningful to have Paul, Sharon, and Debra personally present the award for firm of the year,” says founder Wade Killefer, “Paul’s remarks addressed what we are most proud of here at KFA, our work to house the homeless, our commitment to design excellence for Los Angeles, our efforts to rebuild our City’s historic core and our emphasis on creating a firm culture where everyone can do their best work. “

The lunch commenced with handshakes and hugs, Firm Award T-shirts, and of course, KFA’s signature leap of happiness.