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Partner Spotlight: Lise Bornstein, AIA, Partner

Partner In-Charge, “24” – MGA Campus Master Plan

As a kid playing amongst the row houses, parks and alleys of DC; as a young adult exploring the maze of courtyards in the old Jewish quarter in Berlin; or yesterday discovering a new walk street near my home in Venice, I have always approached the urban terrain with a sense of inquisitiveness, adventure and delight.

So, when in 2013 I stood with our client amidst a sea of surface parking, and together we imagined the possibilities of a community of apartments interwoven with an amphitheater accessible to the neighborhood, a village green for picnics and movies, an orchard with fruit from his childhood, and an arroyo of people wandering through a huge, yet intimate site, it felt not only right, but like coming full circle as a perfect marriage of site and city.

People find community in different places, and KFA’s current projects reflect a subtle shift in the ways that we live in LA. Incorporating design opportunities for a variety of levels of social interaction increases connectivity and promotes a sense of belonging and participation in a neighborhood.

With the passage of recent initiatives, the people of Los Angeles have committed to making our city denser, more connected, and more inclusive. We will make our streets, transit system, single site and campus scaled projects part of a vibrant interwoven public realm. Looking to the future, I expect it to be an exciting ride in exploring and contributing to this city.

Lise is committed to the advancement of people and the profession. She has spoken at Design for Dignity: Changing the Housing Equation by Design; at Powerful, the AIA|LA conference showcasing women leading the design profession; and at the USGBC-LA Municipal Green Building Conference. She is a Board Member and the Scholarships/Fellowships Chair of the Association of Women in Architecture Foundation, and a Board Member of Step Up on Second.