Broadway Hollywood
Hollywood, CA
- Client : KOR Group
- Cost : $26M
- Size : 261,600 SF / 96 units
- Completion Date : 2007
- The Broadway department store at Hollywood and Vine was built in 1929, with a Streamline Moderne addition, designed by Donald Parkinson, completed in the 1940’s. The renovation of this property knits the buildings together, converting them into two- and three-story condominiums with parking on the basement and mezzanine levels, and restaurant and retail uses at one of the most famous intersections in the country.
- The renovation is enhanced by the addition of two new stories on top of the Streamline Moderne building, featuring spectacular four-story loft units. Views of the Hollywood sign and western sunset can be enjoyed from the roof-top pool and exercise room.

Pantages Theater
Hollywood’s go-to venue for blockbuster Broadway entertainment.
6233 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028
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