KFA Designing 888 Units in Koreatown

Posted by KFA | April 29, 2014 | 2014 Blog
10 888 Unit Koreatown

In 1996 KFA converted the 1929 Sheraton Townhouse, the glamorous hotel where Nicky Hilton married Elizabeth Taylor, for use as low-income housing. Included in that assignment was the design of multi-family housing on the grounds where guests gamboled on the tennis courts and in the pools. 18 years later we are revisiting the site for Century West Partners who are planning a mixed-use development with 399 units of housing. Century West has 4 projects on the boards or under construction.

Another very active player in the area is Jamison Services with 28 properties on Wilshire Boulevard alone. Jamison’s principal, Dr. David Lee, believes that the diversity of the Los Angeles business community, the slowly recovering economy and the lack of any recent new construction makes the Koreatown market a very attractive development area.

KFA is now finishing the drawings for Jamison for 210 units at 3640 Wilshire and starting design work for 72 units at 535 Kingsley and 108 units at 3350 Wilshire Boulevard.  In addition, AMCAL is applying for funding for 100 affordable units at 215 N. Vermont with a KFA design that carefully negotiates the Vermont/Western Station Neighborhood Area Plan (SNAP).

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